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[TED ED] TED-ED로 공부하기 - Which bag should you use?

찐또배기 영어공부

by JJINDDO 2020. 11. 22. 21:06



1. 1회 자막 보면서 듣기

잘 이해가 안가도 그냥 쭉 듣기 

다행히 이번 내용은 좀 쉬웠음

2. 2회 자막 보면서 듣기

몰랐던 단어 적어가면서 듣기

1) Strewn

2) degradability

3) fold into

4) emit

5) offset

6) environmental toll

7) quantify

8) plague

9) infrastructure

10) insoluble

11) substantially


3. 섀도윙


4. 요점 문장 찾아보기 


Three materials has a unique environmental impact that's determined by its carbon footprint, its potential to be reused and recycled, and its degradability. 


 Reusing or recycling these bags significantly offsets their environmental toll by reducing demand for new production. To quantify the that offset, we can divide the bag's carbon footprint by the number of times it's reused. 


 Durable and reusable, like cotton, but made of plastic, which has a lower carbon footprint than cotton or paper. These sturdy shopping bags consists of polyester, vinyl and other tough plastics, etc.


5. 해당 내용 ted-ed에서 문제 풀기 


6. 더 추가할 자료 읽어보기 

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